Select Sermons
In Two Voices
Scripture: Genesis 11:1–9
McCormick Theological Seminary, 04/19/2021
Columbia Theological Seminary, 04/30/2021
This sermon was co-preached with Benjamin Smith, MDiv student at the Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago. We planned this service to speak to seminary students, demonstrating how it is possible to experience a text in multiple ways. The full service was our final project for the course: Liberationist Preaching and Worship at McCormick Theological Seminary.
Scripture Reading begins at: 23:38
Sermon begins at: 28:28
Named and Renamed
Scripture: Exodus 23:20–33
Hispanic Heritage Month Service
Columbia Theological Seminary, 09/17/2018
Virginia Highland Church, 10/11/2020
This sermon was originally preached as part of the Hispanic and Latinx Association of Columbia Theological Seminary chapel week celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month.
It was the recipient of the Presbyterian Women of the Presbytery of St. Andrew Preaching Award in September, 2019.
I was invited to update, expand, and proclaim this message for Virginia Highland Church in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month / Atlanta Pride / Indigenous Peoples' Day.
The Revelation at Lands End
Scripture: Revelation 21:1–6
Creation Care / Earth Day
North Decatur Presbyterian Church, 09/29/2019
Columbia Theological Seminary, 04/22/2020
This sermon was first preached as part of a sermon series on creation at North Decatur Presbyterian Church.
It was the recipient of the Dabney and Tom Dixon Creation Care Preaching Award in April, 2020, and adapted to address the Coronavirus (COVID-19) as an online format for an Earth Day service.