Ministry Portfolio


¡Hola! My name is Christópher Abreu Rosario (pronounced KREES-TOH-FAY AH-BRAY-oh-HROH-ZAH-REE-oh); most people call me Ófe. I am a queer Dominican-American with a bit of a sweet tooth and a serious love for Jesus Christ.

I am currently serving as the pastor for Bethany Presbyterian Church in Tacoma, WA. Ministry is my second calling in life. I spent about a decade in the film and television industry and have worked with non-profits that utilize storytelling as a tool to better the world. Story is found in cultures across the globe, a unifying aspect of our humanity that, when used for good, can teach, connect, and inspire communities for just change and personal and spiritual growth.

This site serves as a portfolio for my work in ministry.

Main photo courtesy of love les.